Our mission is to plant seeds of possibility in women throughout Sonoma County. There are no membership fees or prerequisites for joining us at She Can Club events. Every woman has a seat at our table and will be welcomed with open arms into our community!

The women who attend our events are often seeking something "more" for their lives, even if they don't know what their personal definition of "more" is yet.

She Can Club offers diverse opportunities for women to not only connect with other like-minded women, but to also connect with their higher self.

We want women to walk away from our events feeling empowered and excited about life.

We want women to walk away from our events realizing that they are not alone in what they are feeling.

We want women to walk away knowing that SHE CAN do anything she puts her mind to.

Welcome to the She Can Club. We will never let you forget how wildly capable you are.

How it all began >>

Hilary's Shitty Should Cycle.

Our founder, Hilary Richards, spent 12 years in a desk chair growing a small business in the plumbing industry from a kitchen table into a $100,000,000+ operation.

She had accomplished everything that The American Dream said she should.

The problem was that she was absolutely miserable as the breadwinner of her family, and saw no way out.

Hilary's Rock Bottom.

In early 2021, her step-dad got diagnosed with cancer and died 58 days later. The months that followed became the turning point that led us to where we are today. The question on her mind every day was:

"Am I living for my resume, or my eulogy?"

And with that, the trajectory of her (and our!) life was sent down a completely different path.

Building the She Can Club.

The long story involves signs and psychics, but the short story is that Hilary realized her life's purpose was to empower women to follow their dreams.

She Can Club's mission is to plant seeds of possibility in women throughout Sonoma County. Hilary leads She Can Club in hosting impactful events to help women in Sonoma County walk away feeling empowered and motivated to follow their dreams.

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